The origin of the words is usually ignored by people in general. We pronounce words by inertia and rarely stop to investigate where the words we use daily come from.
However, there is a academic approach that focuses exclusively on researching the history of language and finding the origin of words and where they originally came from.
As we will see in the case of gin, some words have a whole story behind them that in many cases is very interesting, and narrates from the first time the term is used to the meaning we give it today.
From Bruni Collin’s we will explain in this post everything you can know the etymology of the word gin.
As always, with the intention that you know better the most popular alcohol and also that you can have a good conversation on the table with your friends when you go from food to drinks.
What is the origin of the etymology of the word gin?
There is an important differentiation within the term gin.
As this refers to the proper name, just like the one of the Swiss city, or the liquor that we all know and that we like so much.
In the case of the drink, it has an etymological origin in Spanish that moves to its closest reference in the context of its consumption, which in this case would be English.
Gin is a distillation of barley that is strategically flavored with juniper berries and other botanical elements to change the taste before the palate.
In English, you are told Juniper.
So the deformation of that diction led with the passing of the years to be called gin in Spanish, just like the proper name.
Which has a Welsh origin and has gained relevance as its own noun since the beginning of the last century.
Other theories on the origin of gin
There are other theories pointing in a different direction.
As well as it is believed that gin comes from French, specifically from the genièvre, which derives from a local dialect which in turn is a consequent deformation of the Latin term, juniperus’.
Ironically, that was the word used to describe juniper plants so it can be said that the direct reference to the gin as an alcoholic drink has to do with the fruit that aromatizes it in its distillation stage.
Why is there confusion about this?
There are ongoing discussions about the etymology of gin for the simple fact that the history of language is always in constant development.
It is quite complicated to concretize a definitive idea without any kind of academic appeal when it is known that both scenarios are probable and both may have simultaneously influenced the linguistic derivative that is used today for Castilian.
Anyway, it is interesting that you as a consumer can be aware of the etymology of gin by the fact that it puts you in a privileged situation, since it shows you see in front of your friends as an informed person of the origin of such a mythical drink.
At Bruni Collin’s we always try to keep you informed about these types of aspects related to the consumption of gin, as well as drink in representation of a cultural concept worthy of your appreciation.
Therefore we invite you to continue reading our content if you feel interested in this type of topics.
Gin Bruni Collin’s
If you want, besides knowing the origin of the gin term enjoy a quality of this fantastic drink, we recommend the Gin Bruni Collin’s.