Cardamom, what is it and its health benefits

Gin Bruni Collin’s España


Cardamom, what is it and its health benefits?


Have you heard about cardamom but you still do not know what it is exactly? You are not the only person with this doubt. Many define it as the aromatic factor of their gin and tonic or like its flavor, but do not know what it looks like when it is not powdered. For this reason, at Bruni Collin’s we explain what cardamom is and we also mention its health benefits. Remember that the more you know about the world of cocktails, the more you can experience in your social nights of party and fun in the city.

What is cardamom and which is its origin?

Cardamom is a spice that has been used in gastronomy for centuries. Recently, it has gained a very significant relevance within the field of cocktails, with preparations such as gin and tonic that use it to enhance the aromatic factor of the drink.

Its origin is in the Indian subcontinent and therefore the millenary societies that have developed from the north, in the Himalayas, to the south, in Sri Lanka, have used it in their daily diet.

The plant usually reaches 4 meters in height with an average extension of 2 meters. However, the spice is produced with the sprayed dry pods that contain the known seeds.

It is known as the Grain of Paradise by the fact that every 100 grams of pulverized cardamom consists of 68 grams of carbohydrates, 28 grams of fiber, 10 of protein and only about 6 grams of fat. Iron, calcium and sodium, along with multiple vitamins, are some of the nutrients that make up cardamom, both in green and black grains.

Cardamom health properties

The high concentration of nutrients together with other compounds such as phosphorus, which plays a fundamental role in the functioning of the human body, make cardamom an extremely useful resource for physical health care.

The following are some of the criteria that see an improvement with the healing properties of cardamom:

  • Antimicrobial effects: Studies have shown that cardamom oils and extracts have the ability to fight bacteria and fungi that are risky for human integrity. This thanks to a surprising ability to damage the cell membrane of some common bacteria.
  • Cardiovascular health: Cardamom antioxidants can improve heart function in a person with moderate consumption and regulated by a family doctor.
  • Anticancer benefits: Combating small-scale irregular cell replication in a cancer diagnosis is possible with cardamom thanks to its concentration of natural phytochemicals.
  • Digestive balance: just as with ginger, another species of the same family of plants, the appearance of digestive ulcers is prevented.
  • Liver health: cardamom has detoxifying properties and for this reason it is believed that it can have very positive effects to promote the elimination of metabolic toxins that work in the liver.
  • Oral health: antibacterial properties are also very useful to combat the proliferation of caries and gum diseases in the oral cavity.

Most common uses of cardamom

The slightly spicy taste of cardamom, which stimulates appetite and desire with some aphrodisiac properties, has a fairly consolidated presence in the gastronomic field.

Almost all foods that have an oriental style, specifically an Indian inspiration, usually include it. And this has been greatly facilitated during the last few years where it has become more accessible to the entire population beyond its growing area.

That same taste, which is so interesting for the culinary world, has also shaken the cocktail industry, so finding it as the aromatic element of a signature drink is quite common. When it comes to gin consumption, it is one of the favorites to flavor a bubbling gin tonic.

However, after saffron and vanilla, it is the third most expensive spice internationally. It is therefore prudent to experiment with it when you enjoy a bottle of gin of the same quality. Just like our gin Bruni.